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Alternanthera reinekii mini

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Product Details
Utilizzo: Aquascaping nano tank
Quantità di luce necessaria: molta
colore foglia: rosso
Zona di piantagione: sfondo
velocità di crescita: media
velocità di crescita: veloce
facilità d'uso: media
origine: coltivazione
Temperatura (° C): 22-28
Altezza (cm): 15-35</span></span>

Pianta a crescita veloce ideale per vasche di piccole dimensioni.


Usage : Aquascaping

Usage : nano

Amount of light needed : plenty

Leaf color : red

Plantation zone : background

Plantation zone : center

Growth speed : medium

Growth speed : fast

Ease of use : medium

Origin : Cultivar (raised in cultivation)

Temperature (°c) : 22-28

Height (cm) : 15-35

A very compact and slowly growing Alternanthera with small leaves, that grows really well in most small aquariums. It will look quickly filled and bushy as it will produce several side shoots once you tip it. If you tip it often, short and with care you can create a tight, red violet carpet with a height of approximately 5 - 10 cm. This can be a beautiful contrast surface left of the centre.

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Alternanthera reinekii mini
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