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Cryptocoryne legroi

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Product Details

Utilizzo: Aquascaping, nano, Paludarium

Quantità di luce necessaria: bassa

colore foglia: rosso

Zona piantagione: centro

velocità di crescita: media

facilità d'uso: facile

origine: Asia, sud-est

Temperatura (° C): 22-28

Altezza (cm): 10-20

Il legroi è una pianta bruno-rossastra che cresce lentamente e non diventa molto alta (10-20 cm). Pertanto è meglio usarla come pianta in primo piano o pianta davanti a una bella pietra o pezzo di legno. Contrariamente alla maggior parte specie non predilige molta luce. Ottimo se hai un acquario leggermente scuro.


Usage : Aquascaping

Usage : nano

Usage : Paludarium

Amount of light needed : low

leaf color : red

Plantation zone : center

growth speed : medium

ease of use : easy

origin : Asia, South East

Temperature (°C) : 22-28

Height (cm) : 10-20

"The legroi is a reddish, brown plant that grows slowly and does not become very high (10-20 cm). Therefore it is best used as a forefront plant or plant in front of a nice stone or piece of wood. Contrary to most species it does not prefer a lot of light. Great if you have a slightly dark aquarium but sometimes difficult in the nursery. It grows very slow with us and is also limited available. "

"The legroi is a reddish, brown plant that grows slowly and does not become very high (10-20 cm). Therefore it is best used as a forefront plant or plant in front of a nice stone or piece of wood. Contrary to most species it does not prefer a lot of light. Great if you have a slightly dark aquarium but sometimes difficult in the nursery. It grows very slow with us and is also limited available. "

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Cryptocoryne legroi
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